President and Managing Director : Mr. Aris Jacovides

24, Filellinon Street, Halandri,

GR-15232 Athens, GREECE


T. +30 210 68 17 225

F. +30 210 68 17 608




M.S.Jacovides Hellas S.A., is a long established company in the marketing and distribution of novel medical devices in Greece & Cyprus through long-term marketing partnership agreements with renowned global medical technology companies, leaders in their field. Founded in Athens in 1982 as the first company in Greece of the MSJ Group, M.S.Jacovides Hellas participates effectively in hospital tenders for medical products, covering with its direct sales force over 150 public and private hospitals in Greece and Cyprus. The Cyprus market is handled through its affiliated company M.S.Jacovides & Co. Ltd. that is based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Its strategy is focused on bringing successfully into the markets of Greece & Cyprus innovative, cost-effective and value adding medical technology products in developing segments that address unmet medical needs.


The company is active in the following fields, organized into three distinct Business Units with the following Clinical Areas dealt with in each Unit:


  • Blood Management Solutions:   

    ·   Blood Banks/ Haematology



  • Advanced Patient Care:

    ·   ICU/ Anaesthesia / Emergency

    ·   Interventional Pulmonology

    ·   Neurocritical Care

  • Interventional Cardiology & Radiology

    ·  Interventional Cardiology -Oncology - Radiology 

Web site

Founded: 1982

Ownership: Private- Jacovides family (100% owned)

Sales force: 27

Employees: 45

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