Managing Director: Radim Bedan

Kninicka 1577

664 34 Kuřim, CZECH REPUBLIC


T. + 420 5 541 422 070

F. + 420 5 541 422 071



Since 1996, Dahlhausen CZ, Ltd. has been an independent distributor of medical devices in the Czech Republic.

The company is active in the fields of surgery, anesthesia, intensive care and wound healing, among others.


Two production plants are owned by the company, namely BJD Medical Production and BISMED, both of them are producing a range of products for surgical and postoperative suction.

Last but not least, DAHLHAUSEN CZ has a share in a private clinic Galerie Medical Center in Kladno, a surgical clinic focusing on vascular and hernia interventions and orthopedics.

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