Managing Director: Mr. Henrik Schjødt

Formervangen, 5

DK-2600 Glostrup, DENMARK


T. + 45 36 398080

F. + 45 36 398030




KEBOMED markets and distributes medical devices and appliances for the Danish healthcare sector.

KEBOMED’s product lines comprise a wide range of surgical appliances incorporating cutting edge medical technology, surgical implants, medical devices, surgical instruments as well as disposables, from world-leading suppliers, i.e. Denmark, Germany, USA, and South Korea.


KEBOMED’ main focus areas:

- MIS (Minimal Invasive Surgery) especially for Gynaecology, abdominal Surgery, and Urology

- Medical Technology primarily within Gastro-enterology and Uroflowmeter

- ENT & Neuro surgery

- Surgery in general   

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